Fabulous in flats with MS

Episode Summary

Kelli Gastis is a wife, mother, former dancer and can now add author to her list of achievements. Her book, Fabulous In Flats, is about the journey that Multiple Sclerosis has taken her on and how she has maintained a resilient mindset through the challenges. We spoke about her mother, a busy professional, being a big influence on her. Her strong mindset is what Kelli also wants to demonstrate - despite the setbacks that MS can deliver. She doesn't want to let her condition get in the way of living a fulfilling life. Kelli also shares how she builds her resilience on a daily basis.

Episode Notes

The RESILIENT PEOPLE podcast is produced and hosted by Janet Fanaki. It features conversations with regular people from around the world who are admired for their resilience. They have experienced a major life challenge, found a purpose from it and now help others to be resilient too. 

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