How to build resilience: Build a better brain

Episode Summary

I've been reading the latest book by Dr. Sanjay Gupta titled, "Keep Sharp: Build A Better Brain At Any Age". It's very informative and a science-driven guide to preventing brain decline. But I also found that the advice is beneficial for overall wellness and positive mental health. As I focus a lot of my learning for RESILIENT PEOPLE on building resilience and learning from those who demonstrate a positive mindset, Dr. Gupta offers some terrific and easy to employ tips for maintaining our overall health. In this short episode of the podcast, I offer some of my favourite takeaways.

Episode Notes

The focus of this short episode of RESILIENT PEOPLE is on my takeaways from the book by Dr. Sanjay Gupta, "Keep Sharp: Build A Better Brain At Any Age"

This episode offers Janet Fanaki's own personal views of the book's recommendations and building a positive mindset. 

Topics include:

The book is available at all bookstores and online sellers. 

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