Psychiatrist and sleep expert Dr. Cara Ooi

Episode Summary

Toronto psychiatrist and sleep expert Dr. Cara Ooi is my latest guest on the RESILIENT PEOPLE podcast. Helping teens to sleep better is her main focus, but as our conversation will show, sleep disorders cover every age group. As many of us struggle to get a good night's rest, Dr. Ooi offers simple and effective tools to help us. Without getting the necessary amount of sleep, it impacts everything from our productivity to our relationships. But as she confirms, there are many options. Her approach includes changing the way we use our bed, addressing the light around us and sleep timing. ​Listen and learn how to get the sleep you've been dreaming of.

Episode Notes

In this episode of the RESILIENT PEOPLE podcast, I interview Toronto psychiatrist and sleep expert, Dr. Cara Ooi

To learn more about her, please visit and on Instagram.

RESILIENT PEOPLE features conversations with regular people admired for their resilience. They have lived through a major life challenge, found a purpose from it and now help others to be resilient too. 

Created and hosted by Janet Fanaki

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